Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Now Including Cooking!

I've decided to open up my CRiedel Creations blog to include some of my cooking. After all, cooking is an art too. Today I have a four products of my homemade cooking to share with you. I hope you enjoy! Don't drool too much...

First we have Banana Nut Bread from a Better Homes and Gardens recipe. My Grandmother has played with the recipe, over the years, making it a more wholesome bread. However I like mine unaltered.

Now we have a burger recipe originating from Illinois. It's called an "Inside Out Burger." The middle quite literally contains onion and cheese. I have to thank my dear CB for this one. :)

Our third recipe is Beef Stew. I snagged it from online, which originally contained wine. I must say I love cooking with wine, however stews are best with dry wines. This time I omitted the wine, as it was a sweet wine, not dry. Turned out just as good!

My last recipe comes from Tyson. It's Tuscan Pork Stir-fry. Again, I tweaked it slightly, as I didn't have the ingredient or didn't think it needed it. Ha ha! Still tastes so good!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Photgraphy I - Projects and Such

I thought that it's about time I post some more of my, photography class, pictures for you to look at. I've long since finished Photography I. I learned a lot of new things about manual picture taking, as well as picture printing. It takes a lot of time, money, and effort to get it just right. Here's a few examples of what kind of work I did. Please note that these are pictures of pictures, this the quality maybe lacking. Enjoy!

This is my favorite of the self-portrait pictures. I played out in the rain for a good half hour, playing in a puddles and capturing it. This one speaks to me in a different way though.

The self-portrait challenge. This is one of my favorites, as it displays a tiny piece of the person I am.

Ah, Grandpa and Grandma. I love this picture of them! I love it so much that I've even thought about getting it printed and framed for them.

This was one of my light as a subject pictures. Everyone in class hated it because the flower in front was blurry. I did that on purpose though. My focus is the bird, and though it's small and in the background, it makes you look for all the beauty of nature.

I love candid pictures. This one is of my mom and step-dad. It was fun sitting around the table stealing unexpected shots.

Grams was a wonderful sport in posing for some pictures of people, in our second challenge. This one was my favorite of the ones she so graciously pose for.

Our first challenge was to take thirty-six different pictures of the same object. I chose a wooden man figure that my Grandfather brought back from Peru while in the Navy. These are two of my favorite angles.

I love this picture of my Grandma's cat, Spooky, atop the piano. Our challenge was light as a subject. My instructor hated this one, however I love it!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Photography I - Photograms

I'm absolutely loving this class! It's about time I can come home from the college and be beaming with smiles. =D

This assignment is called Photograms. Photograms are produced by using objects on photo paper, instead of film. They work best when you use a lot of objects with varying transparencies. That way you get a picture with a lot more texture and shade difference, instead of a clean cut black and white. So, by now I'm sure you're dying to see what theses photograms look like. Here's a few that I produced Wednesday and today. Can you figure out what objects I used?

Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas Cards 2010

This year I decided to use my creativity and make Christmas cards from scratch. The trick was to use only three materials...a tree cut out, a Santa cut out, and construction paper. Of course with the added help of a glue stick and a pair of scissors.

I decided that each card had to be different and creative. The first, also known as my prototype, was a simple card made of red construction paper and the tree cut out. It turned out to be a card that opened from the center of the Christmas tree (length wise)in which the tree was incorporated into the opening edges of the card. After that, the rest of them slowly came to mind, as I changed one thing in each card.

So far I've made six. Sending out only four, and preparing to send the other two. It's been a joy to use my creativity in hopes that I make the receiver smile. =)
Here's a sample of my work:

Monday, November 22, 2010

Welcome to CRiedel Creations

Over the last few months I have been talking to a good friend friend of mine, who happens to be an artist, and have been inspired to start painting again. It has been a long time since I have picked up a brush and commanded a canvas to come alive with color.
In 2008 I finished my rendition of the "Lorain Lighthouse" which I have thoroughly enjoyed admiring since then. I am currently working on another piece "Marblehead Lighthouse" which has been a joy, and learning experience, to paint. While finishing that piece, I work hard on learning the technique's required to texture a white wolf. In the piece "Guardians of Sky and Ground" I have taken a slightly different approach in my painting. First I am painting animals, which my normal paintings are landscapes, and second I have taken half of each animal and merged them into one painting, thus making it a very different painting from my usual. Although I am struggling to get the right textures and colors, I am learning a great deal on how to improve my artistry.
With this in mind I am very excited to share some of my beloved work with you. Whether it be paintings, drawings, photography, or 3D creations may my work be pleasing to eye, joyous to the soul, and inspiring to the mind. =)