Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Now Including Cooking!

I've decided to open up my CRiedel Creations blog to include some of my cooking. After all, cooking is an art too. Today I have a four products of my homemade cooking to share with you. I hope you enjoy! Don't drool too much...

First we have Banana Nut Bread from a Better Homes and Gardens recipe. My Grandmother has played with the recipe, over the years, making it a more wholesome bread. However I like mine unaltered.

Now we have a burger recipe originating from Illinois. It's called an "Inside Out Burger." The middle quite literally contains onion and cheese. I have to thank my dear CB for this one. :)

Our third recipe is Beef Stew. I snagged it from online, which originally contained wine. I must say I love cooking with wine, however stews are best with dry wines. This time I omitted the wine, as it was a sweet wine, not dry. Turned out just as good!

My last recipe comes from Tyson. It's Tuscan Pork Stir-fry. Again, I tweaked it slightly, as I didn't have the ingredient or didn't think it needed it. Ha ha! Still tastes so good!